Still waiting
Waiting is not easy. My body can be sitting still, but my brain races in a thousand different directions. I want to try and figure out each step and what that step may mean and where the next step will lead. Life becomes all about me; thinking I have to perform and do and be, and jump through hoops, and pray, and analyze, and do, do, do, do as much as I can do, instead of resting and trusting.
I often forget God’s ways are higher than I can even imagine. Who would have thought having Gideon whittle down his army from over 30,000 to only 300 men, then arming them with torches and pitchers would be the way to triumph over an army of over 100,000? (See Judges 6-7).
Who would have thought marching around a fortified city for seven days then shouting would have brought down a huge protective wall? (See Joshua 6). Who would have thought a couple WAY past their child-bearing years would have fathered a nation? (See Genesis 17).
Who would have thought a virgin would give birth to the King? (See Matthew 1).
Nothing is impossible for God, logic can only be seen from the only logical viewpoint — God’s viewpoint. He sees the eternal perspective unclouded by time and human understanding. We can’t see the workings, answers, and solutions working in the heavenly cosmos. Solutions often don’t make sense in our time structure, because the structure, the target is fluid, beautifully fluid to a beautifully God-orchestrated ending. Through the suffering, through the pain, through the wait, comes refining and preparation, and a beautiful tapestry comes into focus of the ways God has weaved His story of unfailing love.
Are you still waiting? Behind the scenes, out of human sight, our amazing God is doing amazing things. Keep your focus on God, keep watch, and trust that His love is the best and He loves you the best. Someday soon, the wait will be over, and all will become clear in the light of God’s glory and grace.
“I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and in His word do I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than the watchmen for the morning; indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning.” ~ Psalm 130:5-6 (NASB)
“I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; my flesh also will dwell securely.” ~ Psalm 16:8-9 (NASB
From We Were Meant for Paradise by Lisa Buffaloe,