It’s not what you think
Enjoying the day, sweet hubby and I made our way along a pathway in the woods. We stopped at a small bridge leading over a dry creek bed to survey the beauty. Sunlight filtered through the trees and their leaves swayed in the fall breeze.
Crashing sounds drew our attention to the woods, and we expected to see a large animal or person running toward us. Instead, two chipmunks leaped and frolicked in the fallen leaves as they traveled to their destination. Shaking our heads in disbelief, we laughed at the tiny creatures making the big sounds. With that much noise, chipmunks were not what we expected.
Difficulties, hardship, pain, and challenges have roared and crashed into my life, and I (and others) expected the outcome to be different. If I followed what the world said about the things I have been through (molestation, rape, cancer, chronic illness, numerous surgeries, thirty-six moves, and a long list of nasty things) I should be sitting in a corner unable to function. But with God, it’s not what you think, because with God, the mess becomes the ministry and the test becomes the testimony. What sounded like, seemed like, wasn’t what was expected, because God turns everything to good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
With God, nothing is impossible. The situations we go through, the things we see and experience, the terrible noise of our lives being upturned and overturned, are turned into good, healed, restored, and made new by God’s love.
Our world is filled with sounds that distract, depress, and deflate our strength and stamina. Satan is like a roaring lion, and boy, can he roar. The enemy wants you to hear that things will never be fixed, never be right, and never be restored. However, I have good news — Satan may roar like a lion but our Savior is the Lion of Judah!
The sound of God’s truth is louder, truer, and surer, than any noise in the world. God’s truth is greater and exceedingly abundantly more than you could ask or imagine. God’s voice whispers in your soul the glorious truth of His tender, compassionate, unfailing love.
“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; lovingkindness and truth go before You. How blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! O Lord, they walk in the light of Your countenance. In Your name they rejoice all the day, and by Your righteousness they are exalted.” ~ Psalm 89:14-16 (NASB)
“Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, ‘Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.” ~ Revelation 19:6 (NASB)
“The voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is majestic. …And in His temple everything says, ‘Glory!’” ~ Psalm 29:4, 11 (NASB)
(Emphasis added in scripture)
From Present in His Presence, by Lisa Buffaloe
Ma’am! The problems we face seem to be so great until we see what others (especially you)have and are going through. My problems are small compared to what you have been through. I take courage from you. I have great hope in God after reading what your faith is like. I Bless you and your Husband and family. May God keep adding to you, favor upon favor in every aspect of your life. Many Blessings
Thank you, Mohit. God is such a wonderful, healing, restoring God. He will walk us through whatever difficulties we face until we are face-to-face with Him in glory. God’s blessings to you!