
Show me — 6 Comments

  1. What a Blessing our GOD is !!! “Our God is a good God, He takes what the enemy meant for evil and turns it into good for those who love Him.*” Thank you for this article Lisa !! You are the Blessing that GOD has shared with me!! It is you, that he wanted me to meet…..I just took the long way to find you.

    • Awww thank you, Barbara. I’m grateful the Lord used the article to help. Our God is such a good loving Father. He heals our hurts and binds our wounds. He is a GOOD GOD!

  2. Amen! Thank you sweet Lisa for this beautiful prayer. Blessings to you. ((hugs))

  3. Heavenly Father…
    show me how to get through one more day
    help me to see Your loving hand during this difficulty
    grant me the ability to remember You are always with me
    remind me of Your truth and show me Your truth in Your word
    show me how to win against the enemy with Your power and Your truth
    help me discover what You want me to know
    show me Your goodness and lovingkindess
    show me Your power
    show me what I can learn
    show me how I can grow
    show me how I can develop as a Christian
    show me ways I can help others through my own difficulties
    show me, teach me, grow me, develop me, and make me more like Your precious Son, Jesus Christ.
    Thank You, Father that You never leave or forsake us. Thank You that You are just and righteous and nothing is too hard or impossible for You. Show me, remind me, help me to always remember, no matter what happens, I am always forever safe in Your loving heart, In Jesus name.