One morning while mentally whining about the lack of something in my life, this verse popped up for daily reading, “Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, ‘I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way you should go.’” ~ Isaiah 48:17
The word “profit” stood out, so I looked up the word on the 1828 Dictionary and highlighted words that applied to my situation.
PROF’IT, n. [L. profectus, proficio, to profit, literally to proceed forward, to advance; pro and facio. The primary sense of facio is to urge or drive. 1. In commerce, the advance in the price of goods sold beyond the cost of purchase. 2. Any gain or pecuniary advantage; as an office of profit or honor. 3. Any advantage; any accession of good from labor or exertion; an extensive signification, comprehending the acquisition of any thing valuable, corporeal or intellectual, temporal or spiritual.
PROF’IT, v.t.1. To benefit; to advantage; applied to one’s self, to derive some pecuniary interest or some accession of good from any thing; as, to profit one’s self by a commercial undertaking, or by reading or instruction. In this sense, the verb is generally used intransitively. Applied to others, to communicate good to; to advance the interest of. 2. To improve; to advance.
PROF’IT, v.i. To gain advantage in percuniary interest; as, to profit by trade or manufactures. 1. To make improvement; to improve; to grow wiser or better; to advance in any thing useful; as, to profit by reading or by experience. 2. To be of use or advantage; to bring good to.
I’m so grateful for God’s word, His truth, and the ability to dig deeper into the meaning of words.
God’s profit is much bigger and more profitable than we can imagine. God urges us forward for profitable improvement, advantage, advancement, to be of use for His purposes and His kingdom, leading in the way we should go.
When you look at the definition of profit, does anything stand out and apply to your situation? How is God making you profitable?
“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” ~ 3 John 2 (NASB)
Wow! Just what I needed. ❤️
Thank you, sweet Mary! Don’t you love digging deeper into God’s Word — oh what joy we find! xoxo
Amen! Thank You, Lord! Blessings to you sweetie. ((hugs))
Thanking the Lord with you, sweet Tess! (((((Hugs))))) to you, dear friend! xoxo