No Matter What
“God is all about redemption. His love for humanity runs deeper than the deepest recesses of our depravity. His love extends further than your past, higher than your disappointments, wider than your heart wounds, and deeper than a cavernous pit of depression. God’s plan of redemption is for every person, no matter where you’ve been, no matter what you’ve been through, no matter what you’ve done.” ~ Gwen Smith, Knowing God by Name,
“No matter what your circumstances are, God’s love never changes. The cross, the death of Jesus Christ, and His resurrection are God’s final, total, and complete expression of His love for you. Never allow your heart to question God’s love. Settle it on the front end of your desire to know Him and experience Him. He loves you. He created you for a love relationship. He has been pursuing you in that love relationship. …. He created you for fellowship with Himself. That is the purpose of your life” ~ Henry and Richard Blackaby, Claude King, 7 Truths from Experiencing God, LifeWay Press, Nashville, TN, p 18,
“What was intended to harm, God intended all of it for good, and no matter what intends to harm you, God’s arms have you. You can never be undone.” ~ AnnVoskamp, The Greatest Gift, Tyndale House Publishers,
“Satan cannot do anything to us God cannot use through us! No matter what gains the enemy has had in your life, if you will cooperate with God and allow Him to direct your life henceforth, God will turn defeat into victory! Satan does not have to have the last word in the circumstance he authored in your life.” ~ Beth Moore, To Live is Christ, B&H Books, p 47,,
“No matter what you’re going through today, you can cling to the truth that God is El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One. He has within Himself the life-giving sustenance you need…the life-giving sustenance your heart longs for.” ~ Sharon Jaynes, Knowing God by Name, Multnomah,
“No matter what we pray for, whether it be temporal or spiritual things, little things or great things, gifts for ourselves or for others, our prayers should really resolve themselves into a quiet waiting for the Lord in order to hear what it is that the Spirit desires to have us pray for at that particular time.” ~ O. Hallesby
“God’s names reflect His character, and He is El Hanne’eman—the Faithful God. So, no matter what you pray for or desire, you can trust Him whether His answer is no or yes.” ~ Gwen Smith Knowing God by Name, Multnomah Press,
“Abram showed that when you have faith in God, you know God will take care of you no matter what someone else chooses. Faith lets other people do their thing without getting anxious and worried. It leaves its case in God’s hands.” Jim Cymbala, Fresh Faith, Zondervan, p160,
“No matter what direction our earthly country may be going, it is our heavenly country that we should represent.” ~ Randy Alcorn
“No matter what difficult times we encounter, God is worthy of our praise. When we choose to praise, we choose to trust God. When we choose to trust God, the broken world around us lifts their eyebrows in wonder – just like the Roman jailer. Sometimes a sacrifice of praise is required. Offer it. We can and should choose to bless His name through the pain, which astonishingly can bring His joy into our hearts.” ~ Gwen Smith
“In Africa a tree produces the ‘taste berry,’ a unique fruit that literally alters taste buds so that everything that’s eaten after eating the berry tastes good and sweet. Praise is the ‘taste berry’ of the Christian’s life. When our hearts are filled with praise, when we choose to praise God, no matter what, stress fades into the background of a battle won before it begins, life is sweet, and all is good” ~ Mary Southerland
“Scripture reassures us, ‘No one who trusts God like this—heart and soul—will ever regret it.’ It’s exactly the same no matter what a person’s religious background may be: the same God for all of us, acting the same incredibly generous way to everyone who calls out for help. “Everyone who calls, ‘Help, God!’ gets help.” ~ Romans 10:11-13 (MSG)