Joy search
Sad, weary, and tired, I prayed this prayer. I want to find Your joy again, Lord. Show me, Father, please show me Your truth. If I have sinned, show me the sin so that I may repent. I’m sorry for allowing the cares of the world to choke my joy. I’m sorry for worrying and wondering about the future and not resting in You, trusting You, loving in the joy of You. Please help me find Your joy so I may again rejoice.
Joy didn’t return, and I wasn’t sure what I needed to do to find my joy. I continued to pray and ponder what had happened, what went wrong, why I didn’t feel super-joyful all the time. Then, I read a book where the author wrote about a young woman requesting for help finding her lost joy. The author, who was a melancholy person, responded to the young woman why not try another mood. At first, I sat there puzzled. I had never considered moods coming and going like seasons, that it was okay to have down-times and up-times.
I’m old enough to know seasons come with times of joy and times that feel dry and lifeless. Life is hard, sometimes boring and monotonous, often difficult with a variety of challenges each day. There is a time for every season. I need to embrace God, not the feeling or emotion. I need to embrace God who never changes. The burden of “finding joy” rolled off my shoulders.
God’s joy is constant, His joy continuously flows from His throne. His joy is not hindered by my actions or inaction. The joy of the Lord is our strength. HIS joy, not mine, not yours, not theirs, His joy is always constant and the source of unending strength for every moment of every day. Even when the mood changes, God’s joy remains.
Regardless of the season, regardless of the mood, we can rest knowing His joy remains. Oh my, what joy! 😊
“…Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” ~ Nehemiah 8:10
“I have told you these things so that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy may be made full and complete and overflowing.” ~ John 15:11 (AMP)