Replace the bad filter
During my teenage years we lived in an old farmhouse. Our water supply came from a well far beyond its prime. The rusty water made it difficult to drink, as well as keep clothing, sinks, and the bathtub clean. Replacing the filter on the well helped, but only for a short time. Sediment and rust would quickly overwhelm the system. The battle continued until my parents had enough money to dig a new, deeper, well to reach a clean and clear supply of water.
Society filters through a world-view tainted by the enemy’s lies, clogged by anger, self-righteousness, pride, self-justification, personal agendas, and greed. Obstructions in our lives can be in place from early childhood by family, friends, and what others believe, whisper, scream, or pronounce. Regardless of what the world and society think, says, or does, the only way to find the pure Truth is in the truth of God’s word.
Regardless of how messy your past, how messy your current situation, how overwhelming life may seem, God’s clean, clear, truth filters away the rust and sediment of the enemy’s lies.
Regardless of what others have said about you, pronounced about you, did to you, spoke over you … God’s truth is you are God’s beloved child and He loves you.
True freedom exists in God’s truth, in the reality of who you are in Christ. Check your filter. Daily. Moment-by-moment. Your thoughts are under attack, your perception of yourself and others are under attack.
Check, check, and double-check to make sure what you believe and what you know about yourself and others are filtered through God’s truth, and The Truth will set you free.
“You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:32
From The Unnamed Devotional by Lisa Buffaloe
Having clean AC filters recently, this analogy is so true. And more needed than ever before in these days we are living!
Joanne, I sure wish we could put a filter on the television and social media.
Thank You Jesus!
Amen, Dave! Thanking Him with you! \o/ \o/
So very, very true. Thanks, Lisa!!!
Lee Ann, I’ve been praying for you and will continue!