No More
When Jesus came into people’s lives, people’s lives changed. The blind received sight, the lame could walk, and the outcasts and sinners were welcomed home.
I’m so in love with Jesus and I so want you to know His love. No one is too broken, no one has gone too far, and no one is beyond His loving reach. Oh how He loves you! Oh how He wants the best for you. He doesn’t want you trapped in a sin that separates you from His love.
When we are told not to sin, God is giving us a boundary not to confine but to free us from fear, shame, and regret. Jesus healed a man who had been ill for thirty-eight years then said, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.” ~ John 5:14 (NKJV) The woman caught in adultery brought to Jesus to be stoned, once her accusers left, Jesus said, “Go. From now on sin no more.” ~ John 8:11 (NASB)
When Jesus told sinners to sin no more, He offered a beautiful invitation for freedom. Sin was never embraced. Sin was addressed, and the sinner given healing, hope, and a new beginning.
No matter how bad or deeply rooted a sin, nothing is impossible for God. His unlimited power can release anyone and set captives free.
And as bonus blessings, God takes our no more and creates abundance. Faced with over 5000 people to feed, the disciples saw only their small provisions, “We have no more than five loaves and two fish.” Yet in the hands of Jesus, all were fed with over twelve baskets full of leftovers (Luke 9:12-17).
Jesus frees us from the worries of this life. “I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do.” ~ Luke 12:4 (NASB)
And in the end, for those who follow Jesus, we discover no more of the heartache and pain of this world. “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” ~ Revelation 21:4 (NKJV)
When you have Jesus in your life, no more do you have to live in sin, no more do you have to worry about provision, no more do you have the fear of man, and no more do you have to worry about your ending. Jesus sets you free to live in His eternal abundant joy!
Waste no more time in your sin, in your worry, or in your fears… run to Jesus, His loving arms are open wide!
From One Lit Step: Devotions for your journey,
Amen, sister! Great post! ((hugs))
Thank you, dear Tess! ((((((Hugs)))))) to you!🤗❤️