Fight the good fight
Tossing and turning in the night, I prayed, begged, and whined about a situation in a friend’s life. I want things to be different for my friend, I want them to have peace and joy. Oh, I know I should trust God. I know He is in control. I know God loves my friend more than I can imagine, yet my restless night continued.
I finally fell into sleep and had a dream about my friend. I could see something going on in their life, something not right. A man talking with my friend acted like he had positive intentions, but I knew something was wrong. I knew deep in my spirit something was wrong, and I approached the man and told him I would do something to him, something very bad, if he hurt my friend. The man backed away and left.
I awakened and realized I can do more for my friend. Worrying doesn’t do anything positive for anyone. Prayer is a powerful, offensive weapon. I should continue praying, and I also need to stand against the enemy, and God’s Word is the ultimate offensive weapon.
I quietly got out of bed and went to another room and spoke God’s truth out loud. I spoke the truth that Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth, and as a believer, one who follows Jesus as Lord, in the authority of Jesus Christ I can speak against the enemy
Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Herein is true wisdom. If you would successfully wrestle with Satan, make the Holy Scriptures your daily resort. Out of this sacred magazine continually draw your armor and your ammunition. Lay hold upon the glorious doctrines of God’s Word; make them your daily meat and drink. So shall you be strong to resist the devil, and you shall be joyful in discovering that he will flee from you.”
God never leaves us defenseless in our battles. We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Therefore, we don’t need to idly sit by whining, crying, and moaning about worries and fears. Our battles are beyond flesh and blood, and we can fight in the heavenly realm for ourselves, for our family and friends, and for the lost.
God has not given the spirit of fear, we are given power (HIS power), love (unfailing love), and a sound mind (a mind that can trust and rest in God).
Put on your armor and stand against the enemy. Fight the good fight, take your concerns to God in prayer. Read, meditate, and speak God’s Word to battle against Satan. The weapons of our warfare are mighty in God’s power. God’s truth breaks apart strongholds and casts down any argument, any lies of the enemy, and anything that exalts itself over the knowledge of God.
When those worries come, take the thoughts captive, wrap the lies of the enemy, the attacks of Satan in the truth of God’s Word. And, the truth will set you free.
Matthew 28:18 , James 5:16 , 1 Timothy 6:12 , Ephesians 6:12, , Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 2:6, Ephesians 6:11, Romans 8:37, 2 Timothy 1:7, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, John 8:32
Photo credits Pixabay