Beautiful boundaries

God determined allotted periods and the boundaries of your dwelling place, so you would seek God. Your boundaries are about a personal relationship, God reaching to you. God has set boundaries, placing you here, now, for such a time as this. Where you are, where you have been, even the difficulties in your life, all had a purpose and plan to bring you closer to God.
God promises in Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Wherever you have been placed, wherever you live, in the bad times and in the good times, seek God with all your heart and you will find Him where you have been placed, where you live, in the bad times and in the good times .
In God’s presence, in the joy of our Savior, we find … “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” ~ Psalm 16:6 (NIV)
God’s boundaries are a blessing. And in Christ, your boundary lines lead to an amazing, incredible, eternal, boundless inheritance!
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