The Masterpiece Beneath
FREE eBook 12/14/22 – 12/18/22
As my first-fruit offering to the Lord, my latest release is free on Amazon 12/14 – 12/18! Download for #FREE on Amazon Kindle Unlimited or buy for free –>
For decades, Veronika’s past stayed hidden. Yet the repercussions of what was done to her and what she had done continued to ripple through time.
As her secrets come to light, will they destroy those she loves or reveal God’s masterpiece beneath?
To the reader:
Your life canvas may have been smeared with dirt and grime, and others may have used and abused you, but God’s masterpiece remains untouched. No matter what you have gone through in your life, no matter what is happening now, God’s love can weave a golden bond of restoration and redemption within you. Jesus holds out His nail-scarred hands and beckons you. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Someday, we will all see the God-created masterpiece beneath.