Fill up!
Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:18 to “be filled with the Spirit.” The definition for the Greek word “filled” means to not only be full, but to be complete, filled to the brim, to cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally, to render perfect. We are to be filled to be permeated, soaked with the Spirit in every area, under the influence of the Spirit, fully controlled by Him.
The Spirit fills us through our willingness to be filled, as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to allow Him full control of our lives submitting to God’s authority, yielding ourselves as a willing vessel, the Holy Spirit liberally fills us in abundance to the brim. The more we surrender our lives, the more He fills our life.
Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, for in loving God our hearts are opened to be open to the Holy Spirit. Be filled, overwhelmed, awestruck, awe-filled by the filling of the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (John 14:17), He breathes life into dead souls (Ezekiel 37:1-14), reviving and firing new life within us (Matthew 3:11).
The Holy Spirit always glorifies the Father. The Holy Spirit is the Helper (John 14:16), the comforter (2 Corinthians 1:4), the intercessor (Romans 8:27), the One who speaks for you when you are too grieved for words (Romans 8:26).
The Holy Spirit gifts with skill (1 Corinthians 12:4-11), He stirs the heart (Ezra 1:5), teaches (John 14:26), reveals the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10), He gives power (Acts 1:8), equips, makes us bold and courageous and helps us speak and witness. His fruit gifts us with love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
“When the Holy Spirit fills you, he will have the controlling interest in your life. It is ‘control by consent.’ Let me stop and make a critical distinction. Being filled with the Holy Spirit doesn’t mean I have more of the Spirit, it means the Spirit has more of me. It doesn’t happen all at once any more than you get drunk all at once. Being filled with the Spirit happens as you continually choose to live under his influence.” ~ Ray Pritchard
“The Holy Spirit is beyond doubt the greatest gift which God can bestow upon man. Having this gift, we have all things, life, light, hope and heaven. Having this gift we have God the Father’s boundless love, God the Son’s atoning blood, and full communion with all three Persons of the blessed Trinity. Having this gift, we have grace and peace in the world that now is, glory and honor in the world to come.” ~ J C Ryle
“If we have the Holy Spirit, we virtually have all good gifts, for the Spirit is the earnest of God’s love, the pledge of joys to come; and He brings with Him all things that are necessary and good for us!” ~ Charles Spurgeon
Now, when you think of being filled with the Spirit, rejoice, be open and willing, and let the Holy Spirit flow in you, revive you, and fill you to the brim with God’s amazing gift of His Spirit.
Fill up, friends! Be filled with The Spirit!
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Photo by Lisa Buffaloe