Come, Holy Spirit
“The Holy Spirit is to come mysteriously upon the church according to the sovereign will of God. But when He comes like the wind, it is to purge the moral atmosphere and to quicken the pulse of all who breathe spiritually. I would that this rushing mighty wind would come upon His church with an irresistible force that should carry everything before it—the force of truth, but of more than truth, the force of God driving truth home upon the heart and conscience of men. I would that you and I could breathe this wind and receive its invigorating influence that we might be made champions of God and of His truth. Oh, that it would drive away our mists of doubt and clouds of error. Come, sacred wind, our nation needs you—the whole world requires you. The foul odors … would flee if your divine lightnings enlightened the world and set the moral atmosphere in commotion. Come, Holy Spirit, come. We can do nothing without you, but if we have your wind, we spread our sail and speed on toward glory.” ~ Charles Spurgeon