
What am I missing? — 6 Comments

  1. Hello Lisa, excellent article… I am in this moving process at the moment and can so identify!
    Just found your site through a friend, Jean,and appreciate your blog spot she shared on her website today. It brought me to yours and it’s wonderful.
    Thank you,it is such a blessing! Nancy

    • Thank you, Nancy. I appreciate you taking the time to read my article and drop by my website. God bless you and God’s blessings for your move!

  2. I agree, waiting can be the hardest thing!
    Lifting you & D as you both wait….know He has something better in Mind!

    • Thank you so much, sweet Cyn. God’s timing is perfect and He knows best. We are excited to see when the door opens! Thank you so much for your prayers. {{{{{{{{{{{hugs to you!}}}}}}}}}}}

  3. Amen! Waiting is hard but it will be worth it. His timing is always worth the wait. Still praying for you my friend. If God wants you to wait because He has better things in store for you. Sending you love and prayers. ((hugs))

    • Thank you, sweet Tess. I know God’s timing is best and perfect, I know His ways are best, but boy the flesh in me is impatient. 🙁 I so want to be better at this waiting thing. How grateful I am for God’s mercies that are new every morning. 🙂 Love and hugs to you and prayers for you! ((((hugs)))) XOXO